
President Bill Robinson

The October meeting of the Chapter was held at the New Prescott Hotel. During the business session President W. J. Robinson told the Chapter that in the new re-zoning, he was pleased to report that Canada still remains a separate zone and would be zone 11. The subject of the society name change was discussed amongst the chapter members. President W. J. Robinson urged that all members entitled to vote make their voice heard and vote. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Sweeney, manager central Ontario sales, Fiberglass Canada Ltd. His presentation was on fiberglass insulation (no surprises there! [ed.]). A fiberglass fishing rod was raffled off at the end of the meeting which was won by D. Banton.

At the November meeting, Past President G. Ostiguy was presented with the Past President’s pin and a silver tray as a gift from the Chapter. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Strain of the Rudd Mfg. Co. His subject was on The Development of Natural Gas Industry in Canada. An interesting quote from the speaker was “Known reserves in Canada today are enough for an estimated 50 years with only 5% of the estimated reserves discovered today.”

January’s meeting program was a panel discussion on Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning; the meeting was adjourned at 10:20pm.

The February meeting was postponed to the 21st in lieu of the 15th as it would conflict with the society meeting in Philadelphia. The treasurers reported a balance of $309.63 and that 40 members had paid their dues to date. The Canadian representative on the nominating committee would be W. Pennock of Ottawa, while the alternate delegate would be W. Hole of Montreal. The society would be charging an extra rate for the Journal and that it would be up to the members option wether they receive the journal.

At the Toronto CRC a Canadian Chapter Committee was formulated to encourage ideas and growth of the society in Canada. A motion was passed that the delegate and alternate at the CRC would automatically be the president and vice-president. This motion was later withdrawn due to J. Klassens’ objections as to the validity of this motion for constitutional reasons as this might mean a change in the by-laws. The speaker for the evening was Dr. N.B. Hutcheon of the National Research Council and his topic was Humidity in Canadian Buildings.

At March’s meeting the nominating committee was elected:
J. Klassen (Chairman)
The speaker for the evening was Mr. John W. James, Vice-President of Society and his topic was ASHRAE and Indoor Climate.

At April’s meeting the nominating committee put forth the following names for office:
President – E. Schoenherr
Vice-President – N. J. Howes
Secretary – D. Banton
Treasurer – C.Watson & S. Bullis
Board of Governors – A.Gray, J. Green, A. Hargreaves, W.Hodgins
The speaker for the evening was Mr. Lorne Wiggs, senior partner in the firm of Wiggs, Walford, Frost and Lindsay, Consulting Engineers, with its head office in Montreal and offices in Toronto and Ottawa. He is also a past president of the Montreal Chapter. His topic was Hot Water Heating.

The May meeting was the last meeting of the year. The retiring president gave his report of the past year reviewing highlights such as the increase in attendance at meetings. The new board was elected into office as follows:
President – E. Schoenherr
Vice-President – N. J. Howes
Secretary – D. Banton
Treasurer – C.Watson
Board of Governors – A.Gray, J. Green, A. Hargreaves
President E. Schoenherr then presented W. Robinson with the Past President’s pin and a silver tray as a token of the chapter’s appreciation. J. Klassen put forth a suggestion that an educational program be initiated in Ottawa for the trade in general, to further acquaint as many people as possible with the aims of the society. It was further suggested that a prize might be given to outstanding pupils in the Heating and Ventilating courses at colleges or technical schools. The speaker for the evening was Mr. McGovern, a prominent Ottawa lawyer, and his topic was Mechanic’s lines [what?].

Newsletters, Meeting Minutes, Events and Media

Meeting Minutes


President & CRC Delegate
1953-1954George Ostiguy

George Ostiguy
1954-1955 (pp/g)
1953-1954 (pr)
1952-1953 (pe)

President-Elect & CRC Alternate

Bill Robinson
1955-1956 (pp/g)
1954-1955 (pr)
1953-1954 (pe)
1952-1953 (tr)


Norm Howes
1955-1956 (pe)
1954-1955 (se)
1953-1954 (se)
1952-1953 (g)


Ed Schoenherr
1956-1957 (pp/g)
1955-1956 (pr)
1954-1955 (pe)
1953-1954 (tr)
1952-1953 (se)


Bill Pennock
1953-1954 (g)
1952-1953 (g)


Ross Hamilton
1953-1954 (g)
1952-1953 (g)


John Massiah
1953-1954 (g)
1952-1953 (g)


John Massiah
1953-1954 (g)
1952-1953 (g)

Past President

Bunny Stotesbury
1953-1954 (pp)
1952-1953 (pr)


Thank You To Our Valued Sponsors


This web site is maintained by the Ottawa Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org.