Chapter Technology Transfer


Elikem Wotortsi - Stantec

2024-2025 Chapter Technology Transfer Chair

Upcoming Events

Jan 31
Feb 18
4:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Feb 28, 2022

Award season is upon us once again!

The CTTC is looking for applications for the ASHRAE Technology Awards at the Chapter level. The ASHRAE Technology Awards recognize outstanding achievements by members who have successfully applied innovative building design in the areas of occupant comfort, indoor air quality and energy conservation. Their designs incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management and IAQ. Performance is proven through one year’s actual, verifiable operating data.

There are many benefits to winning a Technology Award:

  • Recognition by peers as being innovative and capable
  • Winning projects are highlighted in ASHRAE journals (for the Society winners)
  • First place awards are honoured at the next Winter Meeting (Atlanta 2023)
  • Recognition on ASHRAE’s website
  • Opportunity to bring additional recognition and prestige to buildings with innovative design
  • Ability to share your ideas so others can learn and subsequently improve their designs

The award application should be completed by a current member of ASHRAE who had a significant role in the design or development of the project. This member will need to submit some design information, schematics and brief descriptions of how their buildings met certain criteria such as Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, and more

There are six categories in which the chapter can present an award:

  1. Commercial Buildings (New, Existing, Existing Building Commissioning);
  2. Institutional Buildings (New, Existing, Existing Building Commissioning)
  3. Health Care Facilities (New, Existing, Existing Building Commissioning);
  4. Industrial Facilities or Processes (New, Existing, Existing Building Commissioning);
  5. Public Assembly (New, Existing, Existing Building Commissioning);
  6. Residential

The project must have been occupied since at least September 2021 to qualify for this year’s awards.

The deadline for submission is Thursday April 21st, 2022.

If you have a project in mind, or would like more information, please see the ASHRAE webpage here: applications are at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Liz Primeau ( or Chris Habets (

Thank you,

Elizabeth Primeau

Oct 21, 2021

Hello again OVC!

Hello again OVC!

As I begin my second year as CTTC chair for our chapter I would like to thank everyone for their continued support and participation in our program meeting and technical sessions. I know that this has been a challenging year for everyone in many aspects of life and I am very grateful to be able to bring you speakers and topics that you can enjoy.

I would like to welcome the new members of the CTTC committee for this ASHRAE year: Chris Habets, Elikem Wotortsi, Trevor Thompsoon, and Marlee Spiegelberg. Chris, Elie, Marlee and I are working to bring you many speakers that will touch on various topics in the HVAC&R industry, and hopefully some seminars and tech tours in the new year as we continue to be allowed to gather.

This year we will be moving to a hybrid model for our meeting. This means that we will once again be gathering monthly at the Centurion for in-person networking, dinner and presentations. Our speakers will sometimes be in person, and sometimes be virtual, depending on their home location and comfort levels. I hope that you can understand the difficulties in hosting meetings such as these and be comforted knowing that my team and I are doing our best to juggled many different priorities.

If you have any topic ideas, speakers you would like, feedback about our program, or if you want to present to our chapter, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at

Thank you,

Elizabeth Primeau

Feb 3, 2021

Hello OVC!

Every year around this time the local ASHRAE chapter pursues the application for their yearly technical awards. These awards are easy to apply for and can bring well deserved attention to a locally designed project. If you have a project that you want to submit, please download the forms at the bottom of this website ( and send them to If you have any questions about the Technology Awards please contact Liz Primeau by email (

Chapter/Regional Application: Tech Award Short Form – Jan 2016 Version (most current in Jan 2021).pdf

Society Level Application: Tech Award Long Form – March 2019 Version (most current in Jan 2021).pdf

Thank you,

Elizabeth Primeau

Oct 6, 2020

Hello OVC!

Zarna and I, as your CTTC Co-Chairs, are so excited to bring an incredible program this year to our valued members. Though the meetings will not be in the same format as they have been in the past, we feel this will be an opportunity to provide even more great content. Our monthly program meetings will continue to be on the third Tuesday of the month, but at 4pm and through a Zoom Webinar. Keep your eyes out for the meeting invitations to reserve your spot for these great speakers. Topics will include: Transforming an Existing Building into a High-Performing Facility, Burj Khalifa: Engineering the World’s Tallest Building, How Can Heritage Conservation Co-Exist with Energy Efficiency and Health & Wellbeing?, and many more!

For those who just can’t wait to learn about our industry, we encourage you to check out the two ASHRAE Tech Hours. These are one-hour long videos put together by ASHRAE. You can earn a Professional Development Hour (PDH) by watching the video and filling out the survey. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Zarna or me.

We look forward to seeing you (virtually) this year.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Primeau

May 6, 2018

Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Chapter Technology Awards.

These Awards recognize outstanding achievements by members who have shown innovative building design to improve:

  • occupant comfort
  • indoor air quality
  • energy conservation

Their designs incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management and IAQ. Performance is proven through one year’s actual, verifiable operating data.

  • Other Institutional Facilities – Existing
    Martin Ma

    CMHC National Headquarters – C Building

  • Educational Facilities – Existing
    Daniel Redmond
    Carleton University

    Herzberg Renewal – Phase 1

  • Commercial Facilities – Existing
    Patrick St-Onge
    Bouthillette Parizeau

    234 Wellington, Head Office Renewal

Regional Award winners will be announced at the ASHRAE Summer Conference this June in Houston, TX.

Submissions will open in the Fall for the 2019 Chapter Technology Awards. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mar 10, 2018

Are your engineering projects innovative?

Do you want to identify yourself as a leader in the HVAC industry? Would your clients be interested to know that you are creative? If so, then the ASHRAE Technology Awards program should be of interest to you.

The ASHRAE Technology Awards program recognizes successful applications of innovative design, which incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management, indoor air quality, and good mechanical design. The purpose of the ASHRAE Technology Awards program is threefold:

  1. To recognize ASHRAE members who design and/or conceive innovative technological concepts that are proven through actual operating data.
  2. To communicate innovative systems design to other ASHRAE members
  3. To highlight technological achievements of ASHRAE to others, including associated professionals and societies worldwide, as well as building and facility owners.

Projects submitted should have been in operation for 9 months and there are six main categories to which applications may be submitted, as follows:

  1. Commercial Buildings (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
  2. Institutional Buildings (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
  3. Health Care Facilities (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
  4. Industrial Facilities or Processes (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
  5. Public Assembly Facilities (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
  6. Residential (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)

Winners will be recognized at the chapter level and may be able to submit their project for a regional or even societal award to gain exposure well beyond our local chapter.

The ASHRAE website has plenty of helpful information to guide you during the application process. The technology awards section of the ASHRAE website is located at Link 1 below.

The deadline for application to Chapter is March 23th, 2018. Submission at the chapter level is not very complicated or time consuming.

The following is all that is required for submission:

  1. Submission of the short form application form (Link 2 Below)
  2. Provide a system schematic/ diagram not larger than 11” x 17” in size
  3. Attach a brief narrative (maximum of 2 pages)

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Link 1: conferences/honors- awards/technology-awards-program

Link 2:

May 5, 2017

Greetings from the CTTC Chair

I would like to thank those who took the time to submit an application for ASHRAE Technology Awards. We received the following submissions:

  • Georges Maamari for Ecole Des Cavailier
  • Robert Lefebvre for Ciena; 5050 Innovation Drive
  • Robert Lefebvre for Longfields- Davidson Heights Secondary School Addition

We will be acknowledging the above projects at this month’s meeting and I encourage you all to come out and hear about some of the projects in our Region. I would also like to say thank you to Matt Edmonds and Andrew Douma for assisting during this year’s search for suitable projects.

Finally, last month ASHRAE presented their annual webcast titled, “Take Control: Using Analytics to Drive Building Performance”. If you happened to have participated in the webcast, I would love to hear some feedback with the overall presentation. Feel free to seek me out at the meeting or email me.

Any feedback is valuable to the Society as it can assist in improving the overall experience in the future!

Mar 5, 2017

Greetings from the CTTC Chair

Just a friendly reminder regarding that the deadline for applications for the Ottawa Valley Chapter ASHRAE Technology Awards will be March 15, 2017. The Awards Presentation will occur at the April Chapter Meeting.

For those wishing to learn more about the Awards Program, an overview can be found on ASHRAE’s website here.

Feb 9, 2017

Greetings from the CTTC Chair

Just a friendly reminder regarding that the deadline for applications for the Ottawa Valley Chapter ASHRAE Technology Awards will be March 15, 2017. The Awards Presentation will occur at the April Chapter Meeting.

For those wishing to learn more about the Awards Program, an overview can be found on ASHRAE’s website here.

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season!

Nov 4, 2016

Greetings from the CTTC Chair!

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone about the ASHRAE Technology Awards. If you are not familiar with the Technology Awards, it is a program that aims to recognize outstanding achievements by members who have successfully applied innovative building design in the areas of occupant comfort, indoor air quality and energy conservation.

Applications are accepted in the following six categories:

  • Commercial Buildings (New, Existing, EBCx)
  • Institutional Buildings (New, Existing, EBCx) o Educational Facilities o Other Institutional
  • Health Care Facilities (New, Existing, EBCx)
  • Industrial Facilities or Processes (New, Existing, EBCx)
  • Public Assembly Facilities (New, Existing, EBCx)
  • Residential

An overview of the Awards Program can be found on ASHRAE’s website here.

The Awards Program starts at the Chapter Level, then proceeds through the Region and up to the Society Level.

The deadline for applications for the Ottawa Valley Chapter will be March 15, 2017 with the Awards Presentation occurring at the April Chapter Meeting. Further information about the program and the application process will be presented at an upcoming Chapter Meeting.

I encourage everyone to start thinking about a project that they may be involved or familiar with that may be considered for an Award. The Chapter Level application process is fairly straightforward and I am available to assist or answer any questions you may have.

Oct 19, 2016

This Year’s Program at Glance:

Sept 20th: Rod Potter, Rodders CAS
Canadiana Quiz Social Night

Oct 18th: Dan Int-Hout, Krueger
“You Can’t Afford Discomfort”

Nov 15th: Liam O’Brien, Carleton University
Using Carleton as a Living Lab

Jan 17th: Eli Howard
IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings Under Construction

Feb 21st: TBD

Mar 21st: Greg Scrivener, Cold Dynamics
Canadian Refrigeration Code CSA B52

Apr 18th: Paul Lebbin, NRC
Aircraft Ventilation & Cabin Comfort Facility

May 16th: Victor Goldschmidt, Purdue University
Principles of Leadership and Group Dynamics


legacy from previous Chair Daniel Redmond:

Feb 3, 2015

Are your engineering projects innovative?

Do you want to identify yourself as a leader in the HVAC&R industry? Would your clients be interested
to know that you are innovative? If so, then the ASHRAE Technology Awards program should be of interest to you.

The ASHRAE Technology Awards program recognizes successful applications of innovative design, which incorporate ASHRAE standards for
effective energy management, indoor air quality, and good mechanical design.

The purpose of the ASHRAE Technology Awards program is threefold

  1. To recognize ASHRAE members who design and/or conceive innovative technological concepts that are proven through actual operating data.
  2. To communicate innovative systems design to other ASHRAE members
  3. To highlight technological achievements of ASHRAE to others, including associated professionals and societies worldwide, as well as building and facility owners

Projects submitted should have been in operation 9 months and there are six main categories to which applications may be submitted, as follows:

I. Commercial Buildings (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
II. Institutional Buildings (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)

  • Educational Facilities
  • Other Institutional

III.Health Care Facilities (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
IV. Industrial Facilities or Processes (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
V. Public Assembly Facilities (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)
VI. Residential (New, Existing and Retrocommissioning)

Winners will be recognized at the chapter level and may be able to submit their project for a regional or even societal award to gain exposure
well beyond our local chapter.

The ASHRAE website has plenty of helpful information to guide you during the application process. The technology awards section of the
ASHRAE website is located at the link 1 below.

The deadline for application to Chapter is March 20th, 2015.

Submission at the chapter level is not very complicated or time consuming. The following is all that is required for

  1. Submission of the short form application form (please see example below)
  2. Provide a system schematic/diagram not larger than 11” x 17” in size
  3. Attach a brief narrative (maximum of 2 pages)

For further information please find a fillable version of the application form at the end of this Newsletter and on the Society webpage at the
link 2 below.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the OVC CTTC Technology Awards Team:

Thank you and I hope you realize that the work you do every day is worthy of recognition. Please consider submitting your projects for
an ASHRAE Technology Award.

Link 1:–conferences/honors–awards/technology-awards-program
Link 2:

Sept 6, 2013

Are your engineering projects innovative?

Hello and welcome to The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC). My name is Daniel Redmond and I am your CTTC chair for the 2017-2018 year. Whether you are new to ASHRAE and perhaps not familiar with the CTTC, a seasoned ASHRAE veteran who is very aware of what we do, or even if you are just reading this article to indulge in your love of reading, I am happy to give an overview of the CTTC and what it means for you.

As the name suggests, the CTTC is charged with the transfer of technical knowledge from ASHRAE Society and the HVAC industry to chapter members in order to meet their ongoing professional development needs. We strive to accomplish this transfer of information at the chapter level through a number of means, but most noticeably through the establishment of a high quality program of technical content for presentation at the monthly meetings. This includes bringing distinguished lecturers to Ottawa for presentations and seminars. The CTTC is also responsible for promoting and administering the Technology Awards Program and assisting local members to submit projects to compete for ASHRAE Technology Awards at the chapter, regional and society levels.

ASHRAE is a not-for-profit organization that has the following mission and vision:

To advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.

ASHRAE will be the global leader, the foremost source of technical and educational information, and the primary provider of opportunity for professional growth in the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating ,air conditioning and refrigerating.

The CTTC is the mechanism used to ensure that technical information that has been learned is passed on to other professionals for their use in order to meet the goals of ASHRAE’s mission statement in line with ASHRAE’s vision. To quote the 2017-2018 ASHRAE Society Treasurer, David Underwood the CTTC is essentially “where the rubber meets the road”. We have a great program planned for the year ahead and we look forward to helping you increase your technical knowledge base and to assist with your professional development.

Background from 20121019 Manual for Chapter Operations:

The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee is appointed by the president-elect in conformance with the chapter bylaws. The committee should be composed of the chair and at least three members. The chair of the committee is expected to attend the Chapter Technology Transfer Workshop at the CRC meeting. A minimum of three (3) hours should be allotted for all committee training workshops at CRCs (08-01-21-04). The duties of this committee are as follows:

Distinguished Lecturers Program (09-10-25-24)

The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Program provides ASHRAE chapters, student branches, and other organizations with lecturers equipped to speak on relevant subjects of interest to ASHRAE members and guests. The Distinguished Lecturer Program is supervised by the Chapter Technology Transfer Committee. A specific number of visits are allocated to each ASHRAE region, each Society year. The CTTC Regional Vice Chair for each region allocates visits to the chapters.


Thank You To Our Valued Sponsors


This web site is maintained by the Ottawa Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at
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