
2010-2011 Chapter Year - ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter Executive
rear: Patrick Albert (g) Steve Moons (g) Georges Maamari (g) Paul Baker (g)
front: Donald Weekes (tr) Roderic Potter (se) Stephen Lynch (pe) Christine Kemp (pr) Jason Alexander (pp)
BW_ChristineKempCrop 2010-2011

President Christine Kemp

Newsletters, Meeting Minutes, Events and Media
President & CRC Delegate
BW_ChristineKempCrop 2010-2011

Christine Kemp
2010-2011 (pr)
2009-2010 (pe)
2008-2009 (se)
*treasurer jump*

President-Elect & CRC Alternate
BW_StephenLynchCrop 2010-2011

Stephen Lynch
2010-2011 (pe)
2008-2010 (tr)
*two years as treasurer, secretary jump*

BW_DonWeekesCrop 2010-2011

Donald Weekes
2010-2011 (tr)
2009-2010 (se)
2008-2009 (g)

BW_RodPotterCrop 2010-2011

Roderic Potter
2010-2011 (se)
2004-2009 (g)

BW_PatrickAlbertCrop 2010-2011

Patrick Albert
2009-2011 (g)

BW_PaulBakerCrop 2010-2011

Paul Baker
1984-1985, 2008-2011 (g)
1989-1990 (pp)
1988-1989 (pr)
1987-1988 (pe)
1986-1987 (se)
1985-1986 (tr)

BW_FrankBannCrop 2009-2010

Frank Bann
2006-2011 (g)
2002-2003 (pp)
2001-2002 (pr)
2000-2001 (pe)
1999-2000 (se)
1998-1999 (tr)

BW_GeorgeMaamariCrop 2010-2011

Georges Maamari
2008-2011 (g)

BW_SteveMoonsCrop 2010-2011

Steve Moons
2008-2011 (g)

Past President
BW_JasonAlexanderCrop 2010-2011

Jason Alexander
2010-2011 (pp)
2009-2010 (pr)
2008-2009 (pe)
*secretary jump*
2007-2008 (tr)


Thank You To Our Valued Sponsors


This web site is maintained by the Ottawa Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org.
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