
2017-2018 Chapter Year - ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter Executive
rear: Chris Frauley (g) Richard Cameron (g) Adam Moons (g) Jacob Hough (g) Adrianne Mitani (g)
front: Abbey Saunders (pp) Chris Fudge (tr) Adam Graham (pr) Daniel Redmond (pe) Aaron Dobson (se)
Adam Graham
HTS Engineering

President Adam Graham

President & CRC Delegate
Adam Graham
HTS Engineering

Adam Graham
2018-2019 (pp)
2017-2018 (pr)
2016-2017 (pe)
2015-2016 (tr)
2014-2015 (se)
2013-2014 (g)

President-Elect & CRC Alternate
2018-2019Daniel RedmondCarleton University

Daniel Redmond
2019-2020 (pp)
2018-2019 (pr)
2017-2018 (pe)
2016-2017 (tr)
2015-2016 (se)
2014-2015 (g)
2013-2014 (g)
2012-2013 (g)

2019-2020Aaron Dobson

Aaron Dobson
2020-2021 (pp)
2019-2020 (pr)
2018-2019 (pe)
2017-2018 (se)
2016-2017 (g)
2015-2016 (g)
2014-2015 (g)

BW_ChrisFudgeCrop 2017-2018

Chris Fudge
2017-2018 (tr)
2016-2017 (se)
2015-2016 (g)
2014-2015 (g)
2013-2014 (g)
2012-2013 (g)
2011-2012 (g)

BW_RichardCameronCrop 2017-2018

Richard Cameron
2017-2018 (g)
2016-2017 (g)
2015-2016 (g)
2014-2015 (g)

1991-1992Chris FrauleyMorrison Hershfield

Chris Frauley
2018-2019 (g)
2017-2018 (g)
2016-2017 (g)
2015-2016 (g)
2014-2015 (g)
2013-2014 (g)
1992-1993 (pp)
1991-1992 (pr)
1990-1991 (pe)
1989-1990 (se)
1988-1989 (tr)
1987-1988 (g)

BW_JacobHoughCrop 2018-2019

Jacob Hough
2019-2020 (g)
2018-2019 (g)
2017-2018 (g)

2021-2022Adrianne MitaniSmith + Andersen

Adrianne Mitani
2020-2021 (pe)
2019-2020 (tr)
2018-2019 (se)
2017-2018 (g)
2016-2017 (g)

2020-2021Adam MoonsThe Master Group

Adam Moons
2020-2021 (pr)
2019-2020 (pe)
2018-2019 (tr)
2017-2018 (g)
2016-2017 (g)
2015-2016 (g)

Past President
2016-2017Abbey SaundersNRC

Abbey Saunders
2017-2018 (pp)
2016-2017 (pr)
2015-2016 (pe)
2014-2015 (tr)
2013-2014 (se)
2012-2013 (g)
2011-2012 (g)

Chapter Director
BW_SandyTaylorCrop 2014-2015

Sandy Taylor
2020-2021 (cd)
2019-2020 (cd)
2018-2019 (cd)
2017-2018 (cd)
2016-2017 (cd)
2015-2016 (cd)
2014-2015 (cd)
2013-2014 (cd)
2012-2013 (cd)

Official OVC Photographer
BW_JohnBagnellCrop 2011-2012

John Bagnell
2020-2021 (op)
2019-2020 (op)
2018-2019 (op)
2017-2018 (op)
2016-2017 (op)
2015-2016 (op)
2014-2015 (op)
2013-2014 (op)
2012-2013 (op)
2011-2012 (op)


Thank You To Our Valued Sponsors


This web site is maintained by the Ottawa Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org.
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