Resource Promotion


Jayson Bursill - Delta Controls

2024-2025 Research Promotion Chair

Upcoming Events

Apr 15
4:30 pm - 9:00 pm
May 20
4:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Sept 17, 2024

Resource Promotion Campaign 2024-2025

Welcome back! I am honored to serve as Research Promotion Chair this year and look forward to working with you to surpass our goal of $35,300.

I’d like to thank 2023-2024 Research Promotion Chair, Evans Mutua for leading a successful campaign that saw the Chapter top our goal.

Please expect a phone call or email in the coming weeks with a friendly reminder to donate. Better yet, follow the links below to donate online in quick, easy steps. Also look out for dedicated fund raising events as well as our popular raffles at ASHRAE monthly dinner meetings. We will continue to recognize donors in the monthly newsletters as well as program meetings, so donate early to see your name appear!

In case your membership is up for renewal, it is highly recommended to make the donation at the same time as you renew your membership as this is the quickest way to do it.

You may also donate by sending a check, payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter to this address:

P.O. Box 21088, 1183 Bank St, Ottawa, ON K1S 3X7 or contact me to pick it up from you.

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions:

Jayson Bursill – Delta Controls Inc.

2024-2025 OVC Research Promotion Chair


Thank you for your continued support!

ASHRAE Society Link:


Thank you to all our 2023-2024 Research Promotion Campaign supporters!
ASHRAE Partner
ASHRAE Associate

Delta Controls


Major Donor Silver


Goodkey Weedmark & Associates


Mechanical Contractors Association

ProEng Consulting Inc.

SK Sheet Metal

Major Donor Bronze

HIDI Group

Joel Primeau


Parson Refrigeration 1985 ltd

Major Donor Antique

Burchill Mechanical Contractors Ltd

Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes

O’Dell HVAC Group


Trevor Thomson

Donors and Honour Roll Individuals

Aerodynamics & Associates Testing Services

Adrianne Mitani
Chris C R Brown
Elizabeth Primeau
Evans Mutua
Josh Bourbonniere
Jayson Bursill
Matt Moore
Mike Swayne
Steve Moons

Special Thank-You to the following Donors for their contribution:

David Fanset

Jul 19, 2024

Thank You to Our Sponsors for a Successful 2023-2024 Campaign!

As we conclude the 2023-2024 ASHRAE year, I would like to take the opportunity to recognize you, our members, for your generosity and dedication to ASHRAE Research Promotion. I’m happy to announce that thanks to our individual and corporate donors, we met the goal for 2023-2024.

Thank you all!

Evans Mutua – City of Ottawa

2023-2024 OVC Research Promotion Chair


Thank you for your continued support!


Thank you to all our 2023-2024 Research Promotion Campaign supporters!
ASHRAE Partner

Longhill Energy

ASHRAE Associate


Major Donor Silver

ProEng Consulting
EH Price
Mastron Mechanical
SK Sheetmetal
Condair Ltd.
Goodkey Weedmark & Associates
Mechanical Contractors Association
Ainsworth Inc.
O’Dell Associates

Major Donor Bronze

Controls Depot
Parson Refrigeration
Applied Energy Systems
Mitsubishi (MESCA) 
Pageau Morel Inc.

Major Donor Antique

Joel Primeau
Evans Mutua
Andrew Douma
Optimum Mechanical Solutions
Enviroair Industries Inc.
Engineered Air

Honour Roll
($100-$249 for individuals)

Mike Swayne
Trevor Thomson
Adrianne Mitani
Josh Bourbonniere
Jayson Bursill
Adam Graham
David Michelin
Steve Moons
Abbey Saunders
Matthew Moore
Chris Brown
Darryl Boyce
Elizabeth Primeau
Ryan Dickinson
Carolyn Kerr
Nicolas Haitas

Special Thank-You to the following Donors for their contribution:

David Fanset, Heather Turcotte, Dr Martino Fanfani, Jeff Jarvis, Subash Vohra

Sept 19, 2023

Research Promotion Campaign 2023-2024

A warm welcome to ASHRAE 2023-2024 to all our Ottawa Valley Chapter members. I am honored to serve as Research Promotion Chair this year and look forward to working with you to achieve and surpass our goal.

I’d like to thank 2022-2023 Research Promotion Chair, Celine Baribeau for leading a successful campaign that saw the Chapter top our goal. I am equally grateful for each one of our donors who gave generously to raise $38,600, which was 120% of the goal. Special recognition to Longhill and the MCA for some last minute, extremely generous support.

Please expect a phone call or email in the coming weeks with a friendly reminder to donate. Better yet, follow the links below to donate online in quick, easy steps. Also look out for dedicated fund raising events as well as our popular raffles at ASHRAE monthly dinner meetings. We will continue to recognize donors in the monthly newsletters as well as program meetings, so donate early to see your name appear!

In case your membership is up for renewal, it is highly recommended to make the donation at the same time as you renew your membership as this is the quickest way to do it.

You may also donate by sending a check, payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter to this address:

P.O. Box 21088, 1183 Bank St, Ottawa, ON K1S 3X7 or contact me to pick it up from you.

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions:

Evans Mutua – City of Ottawa

2023-2024 OVC Research Promotion Chair


Thank you for your continued support!

ASHRAE Society Link:


Feb 8, 2022

Research Promotion Campaign 2021-2022

The campaign is well underway for this year. It has been harder with smaller attendance at in-person chapter meetings (when we had them) and fewer fundraising events. However, the campaign nearly hit its mark of raising 30% of the goal by the end of November. And February and March will be busy months for our RP fundraisers as they will reach out by phone to our usual donors and new donors alike. Please be generous.

Look on this page for a current list of donors for 2021-2022 (it will be posted and updated shortly).

Joël Primeau
RP Chair 2021-2022

Dec 7, 2021

Hello everyone,

This year I attended my second CRC. Although it was virtual again, it was another great experience. Many great discussion topics were circulated at this workshop. A question that was brought up, which I challenge you to ask yourself is, “What opportunities and learning experiences would I have missed out on if it weren’t for ASHRAE?” Even if you don’t have a concrete response right now, you will hopefully be more equipped to answer this question at our year end meeting in April.

Although we will still be offering the meetings virtually, we are very happy that we are now back in person as well. If you do happen to make it to a meeting, please come find me to say hello. I am eager to see some new faces after not seeing too many for way too long. I look forwarding to catching up with as many of you as possible over this ASHRAE year.

Thank you.

Apr 1, 2019

Thank you very much for your continued support of ASHRAE Research Canada!

ASHRAE Research plays an important role to improve the quality of life and to answer tomorrow’s questions through research today. For every dollar raised towards Research Promotion in Canada, four dollars are invested towards research projects in Canada by ASHRAE Society.

The 2018-2019 RP Campaign Team includes: Rob Lefebvre, Frank Bann, Michael Swayne, Georges Maamari, Abbey Saunders, Adam Graham and Dan Redmond.

To date, the RP campaign has raised 61% of our $34,300 goal for 2018-2019. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

Thank you to Walmar for donating Ottawa Senator hockey tickets which help raise $611 towards the RP campaign.

The following list of current 2018-2019 RP campaign donors will be provided in each monthly newsletter and updated on the website, so donate quickly to see your name appear!

ASHRAE Partner
ASHRAE Associate

Enbridge Gas Distribution
Longhill Energy

Major Donor Silver

Total HVAC
Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates

Major Donor Bronze

Modern Niagara
Engineered Air
Walmar Ventilation

Major Donor Antique

Aaron Dobson
Daniel Redmond
Mastron Mechanical
Clément Marchand
Climate Works
Optimum Mechanical
T.A. Morrison

Honour Roll
($100-$249 for individuals)

Aaron Dobson
Daniel Redmond
Mastron Mechanical
Clément Marchand
Climate Works
Optimum Mechanical
T.A. Morrison

Special Thank-You to the following Donors for their contribution:

Darryl Boyce, Belimo Aircontrols (CAN), David Michelin, Chris Brown, Ross MacLaren, ProEng Consulting, Aerodynamics & Associates, T.P. Crawford

Two of the easiest ways to make your donation to the 2018-2019 RP Campaign are by clicking either of the links below.

ASHRAE Society link:

Should you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter. My contact details are below, and I will gladly make arrangements to pick-up any cheques if needed.


Aaron Dobson
Ainsworth Inc.
100-2935 Conroy Road
Ottawa ON
K1G 6C6
p: 613.203.1951

Mar 1, 2019

Thank you very much for your continued support of ASHRAE Research Canada!

ASHRAE Research plays an important role to improve the quality of life and to answer tomorrow’s questions through research today. For every dollar raised towards Research Promotion in Canada, four dollars are invested towards research projects in Canada by ASHRAE Society.

The 2018-2019 RP Campaign Team includes: Rob Lefebvre, Frank Bann, Michael Swayne, Georges Maamari, Abbey Saunders, Adam Graham and Dan Redmond.

To date, the RP campaign has raised 57% of our $34,300 goal for 2018-2019. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

Thank you to Trane for donating Ottawa Senator hockey tickets which help raise $475 towards the RP campaign. Congratulations to Adam Moons who was the lucky winner!

The following list of current 2018-2019 RP campaign donors will be provided in each monthly newsletter and updated on the website, so donate quickly to see your name appear!

ASHRAE Partner
ASHRAE Associate

Enbridge Gas Distribution
Longhill Energy

Major Donor Silver

Total HVAC
Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates

Major Donor Bronze

Modern Niagara
Engineered Air

Major Donor Antique

Aaron Dobson
Daniel Redmond
Mastron Mechanical
Clément Marchand
Climate Works

Honour Roll
($100-$249 for individuals)

Frank Bann
Chris Frauley
Adrianne Mitani
Michael Swayne
Steve Moons
Celine Baribeau
Jacob Hough
Adam Moons
Joe Della Valle
Peter Shaw-Wood
Ryan Dickinson
Abbey Saunders
Stephen Harrison
Stephen Pope

Special Thank-You to the following Donors for their contribution:

Darryl Boyce, Belimo Aircontrols (CAN), David Michelin, Chris Brown, Ross MacLaren, ProEng Consulting

Two of the easiest ways to make your donation to the 2018-2019 RP Campaign are by clicking either of the links below.

ASHRAE Society link:

Should you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter. My contact details are below, and I will gladly make arrangements to pick-up any cheques if needed.


Aaron Dobson
Ainsworth Inc.
100-2935 Conroy Road
Ottawa ON
K1G 6C6
p: 613.203.1951

Feb 5, 2019

Thank you very much for your continued support of ASHRAE Research Canada!

ASHRAE Research plays an important role to improve the quality of life and to answer tomorrow’s questions through research today. For every dollar raised towards Research Promotion in Canada, four dollars are invested towards research projects in Canada by ASHRAE Society.

The 2018-2019 RP Campaign Team includes: Rob Lefebvre, Frank Bann, Michael Swayne, Georges Maamari, Abbey Saunders, Adam Graham and Dan Redmond.

To date, the RP campaign has raised 55% of our $34,300 goal for 2018-2019. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

Thank you to Engineered Air for donating Ottawa Senator hockey tickets which help raise $700 towards the RP campaign. Congratulations to Andrea Haas who was the lucky winner!

The following list of current 2018-2019 RP campaign donors will be provided in each monthly newsletter and updated on the website, so donate quickly to see your name appear!

ASHRAE Partner
ASHRAE Associate

Enbridge Gas Distribution
Longhill Energy

Major Donor Silver

Total HVAC
Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates

Major Donor Bronze

Modern Niagara
Engineered Air

Major Donor Antique

Aaron Dobson
Daniel Redmond
Mastron Mechanical
Clément Marchand
Climate Works

Honour Roll
($100-$249 for individuals)

Frank Bann
Chris Frauley
Adrianne Mitani
Michael Swayne
Steve Moons
Celine Baribeau
Jacob Hough
Adam Moons
Joe Della Valle
Peter Shaw-Wood
Ryan Dickinson
Abbey Saunders
Stephen Harrison
Stephen Pope

Special Thank-You to the following Donors for their contribution:

Darryl Boyce, Belimo Aircontrols (CAN), David Michelin, Chris Brown, Ross MacLaren

Two of the easiest ways to make your donation to the 2018-2019 RP Campaign are by clicking either of the links below.

ASHRAE Society link:

Should you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter. My contact details are below, and I will gladly make arrangements to pick-up any cheques if needed.


Aaron Dobson
Ainsworth Inc.
100-2935 Conroy Road
Ottawa ON
K1G 6C6
p: 613.203.1951

Jan 21, 2019

Thank you very much for your continued support of ASHRAE Research Canada!

ASHRAE Research plays an important role to improve the quality of life and to answer tomorrow’s questions through research today. For every dollar raised towards Research Promotion in Canada, four dollars are invested towards research projects in Canada by ASHRAE Society.

The 2018-2019 RP Campaign Team includes: Rob Lefebvre, Frank Bann, Michael Swayne, Georges Maamari, Abbey Saunders, Adam Graham and Dan Redmond.

To date, the RP campaign has raised 42% of our $34,300 goal for 2018-2019. We have exceeded our target of 30% by December 31st. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

Thank you to Clément Marchand and Climate Works for donating Ottawa Senator hockey tickets which help raise $720 towards the RP campaign. Congratulations to Ross McIntyre and Rod Lancefield who were the lucky winners!

The following list of current 2018-2019 RP campaign donors will be provided in each monthly newsletter and updated on the website, so donate quickly to see your name appear!

ASHRAE Partner
ASHRAE Associate

Enbridge Gas Distribution

Major Donor Silver

Total HVAC
Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates

Major Donor Bronze

Modern Niagara

Major Donor Antique

Aaron Dobson
Daniel Redmond
Mastron Mechanical
Clément Marchand
Climate Works

Honour Roll
($100-$249 for individuals)

Frank Bann
Chris Frauley
Adrianne Mitani
Michael Swayne
Steve Moons
Celine Baribeau
Jacob Hough
Adam Moons
Joe Della Valle
Peter Shaw-Wood
Ryan Dickinson
Abbey Saunders

Special Thank-You to the following Donors for their contribution:

Darryl Boyce, Belimo Aircontrols (CAN), David Michelin, Longhill Energy, Chris Brown

Two of the easiest ways to make your donation to the 2018-2019 RP Campaign are by clicking either of the links below.

ASHRAE Society link:

Should you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter. My contact details are below, and I will gladly make arrangements to pick-up any cheques if needed.


Aaron Dobson
Ainsworth Inc.
100-2935 Conroy Road
Ottawa ON
K1G 6C6
p: 613.203.1951

Nov 9, 2018

Thank you very much for your continued support of ASHRAE Research Canada!

ASHRAE Research plays an important role to improve the quality of life and to answer tomorrow’s questions through research today. For every dollar raised towards Research Promotion in Canada, four dollars are invested towards research projects in Canada by ASHRAE Society.

The 2018-2019 RP Campaign Team includes: Rob Lefebvre, Frank Bann, Michael Swayne, Georges Maamari, Abbey Saunders, Adam Graham and Dan Redmond.

To date, the RP campaign has raised 21% of our $35,000 goal for 2018-2019. We are in a great position to hit our target of 30% by December 31st.

Thank you to Modern Niagara for donating Ottawa Senator hockey tickets which help raise $550 towards the RP campaign. Congratulations to Michael Swayne who was the lucky winner!

The following list of current 2018-2019 RP campaign donors will be provided in each monthly newsletter and updated on the website, so donate quickly to see your name appear!

ASHRAE Partner
ASHRAE Associate
Major Donor Silver

Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates

Major Donor Bronze

Modern Niagara

Major Donor Antique

Aaron Dobson
Daniel Redmond
Mastron Mechanical

Honour Roll
($100-$249 for individuals)

Frank Bann
Chris Frauley
Adrianne Mitani
Michael Swayne
Steve Moons
Celine Baribeau
Jacob Hough

Special Thank-You to the following Donors for their contribution:

Darryl Boyce, Belimo Aircontrols (CAN), David Michelin

Two of the easiest ways to make your donation to the 2018-2019 RP Campaign are by clicking either of the links below.

ASHRAE Society link:

Should you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter. My contact details are below, and I will gladly make arrangements to pick-up any cheques if needed.


Aaron Dobson
Ainsworth Inc.
100-2935 Conroy Road
Ottawa ON
K1G 6C6
p: 613.203.1951

Nov 20, 2018

Thank you very much for your continued support of ASHRAE Research Canada!

ASHRAE Research plays an important role to improve the quality of life and to answer tomorrow’s questions through research today. For every dollar raised towards Research Promotion in Canada, four dollars are invested towards research projects in Canada by ASHRAE Society.

What is the RP Campaign?

The RP Campaign is an annual fundraising campaign benefiting the funding of numerous ASHRAE Programs. These programs include:

  • ASHRAE Research
  • ASHRAE Scholarships for undergraduate students
  • ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) development of new courses & materials
  • Graduate Research Projects (Grants-in-Aid)
  • Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) Leadership Training
  • Permanently endowed support to all of the above programs

The RP Campaign is overseen by the RP Committee, a standing ASHRAE Committee. The Committee is made up of 14 Regional Vice Chairs (RVC), 1 Consultant (past RVC), 3 Vice Chairs (past Consultant), and Chair (past Vice Chair). Staff support includes a 3-member team based at ASHRAE Headquarters.

The RP Campaign raises over $2.2 million a year from over 6,000 donors. These donors are made up of ASHRAE Members, industry associations, and industry organizations.

Research Q & A:

Q: What is the ASHRAE Research Program?

A: The program that governors more than 80 investigative projects taking place around the world and funded by ASHRAE. It is supported by more than 100 member-led Technical Committees (TCs), each with their own specialty and sub-specialty.

Q: How are the projects selected?

A: TC identifies a need – such as missing information, new ideas or processes to be examined, out-dated information – sets a goal, and outlines a project to meet that need and goal. the Research Administration Committee (RAC) approves the proposed project. It then goes out to ‘bid’, ensuring that ASHRAE’s financial resources are spent wisely and the final product will meet all stated goals.

Q: How much is spent on Research?

A: With more than 80 projects taking place at any one time, the average Research Budget typically exceeds $17 million, each project costing an average of $250,000 each. In reality, there is a wide range of costs for projects. Grants-in-Aid – projects being conducted by Graduate level students – have a cost of $10,000. There are also multiple research projects that – over the 3-5 year life of the project – cost over $1 million.

Q: Where can I find specific information about a project?

A: Check out You can also ask the RP Staff, they’ll be happy to help answer your questions or direct you to another staff member who specializes in that area.

Thank you to all who contributed to the 2017-2018 campaign led by Dan Redmond. The campaign was a success and the Ottawa Valley Chapter has once again been recognized at the Region 2 CRC in Windsor as the top contributor to the RP campaign for 2017-2018 for Region 2. The Ottawa Valley Chapter contribution to the 2017-2018 RP campaign was $66,517.44. Funds have been assigned to ASHRAE Research and the Ottawa Valley Chapter Society Scholarship. Our donor recognition night is planned for the October program meeting to be held on October 16, 2018. We are looking for to recognize the individuals and companies who made our campaign a success.

The list of current 2018-2019 RP campaign donors will be provided in each monthly newsletter and updated on the website, so donate quickly to see your name appear!

Two of the easiest ways to make your donation to the 2018-2019 RP Campaign are by clicking either of the links below.

ASHRAE Society link:

Should you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make payable to ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter. My contact details are below, and I will gladly make arrangements to pick-up any cheques if needed.

Aaron Dobson
Ainsworth Inc.
100-2935 Conroy Road
Ottawa ON
K1G 6C6
p: 613.203.1951

Background from 20121019 Manual for Chapter Operations:

The Research Promotion Committee is appointed by the president-elect in conformance with chapter bylaws. The chair in turn appoints a vice chair and a committee. The number of committee members will depend upon the expected work load. The more individuals, the lighter the load on any single volunteer. Willingness to do the work, however, is most important. Assignments should be made so that no one has more than eight (8) contacts to make. Refer to the Research Promotion Training Manual, Timeline Section for suggestions in structuring the committee (06-06-26-30). The duties of this committee are as follows:


Thank You To Our Valued Sponsors


This web site is maintained by the Ottawa Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at