Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA)

Sarah Brown - Carleton University

2024-2025 Young Engineers in ASHRAE Chair

Upcoming Events

Apr 15
4:30 pm - 9:00 pm
May 20
4:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Apr 8, 2018


On Thursday, April 26th we will be planning another YEA social event!

It will be held at Tail Gators Pool Hall.

I will be sending out an email invitation shortly with all the details.

Hope to see you there and thank you for continued support!

Mar 10, 2018


I would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2nd Annual Axe Throwing Event.

It was an awesome time with many new comers and returning members. I would like to congratulate James Pady who narrowly overtook Samir Elchamaa for the Tournament Championship.

The next event will likely be held near the end of March, more details to come.

In other news, the board of governors has selected Celine Baribeau to attend the upcoming YEA Leadership Weekend! We hope you have a great experience at the YLW and safe travels to Seattle!

Thank you for your support!

Feb 3, 2018


I am excited to announce the date for our next YEA event! I have booked BATL Axe Throwing on February 9th at 6:00pm.

An email has been sent to all members with a registration link and event details. The event is open to everyone so please share with anyone who may be interested. 24 people max so sign up asap if interested.

Also a decision has been made, the OVC Board of Governors has selected Celine Baribeau to attend the upcoming YLW (YEA Leadership Weekend) in Seattle.

Congratulations Celine! This is a great opportunity and will be well worth the trip.

If you have any questions about Axe throwing or future YLW’s let me know. Thank you for your support!

Dec 26, 2017


I would like to thank the group who attended the Archery Tag event on November 3rd . We had a great turn out and a good time was had by all!

These social events are great way to meet other members. Our next event will be Axe Throwing taking place in January. This event was a big success last year so keep an eye out for the event and registration details!

Also a reminder that there is another Leadership Weekend contest available for Region 2. The contest application was sent out by email a few weeks ago.

If you didn’t receive an invite and want to apply let me know. The registration deadline for the contest is December 20, 2017. Thank you for your continued support!

Oct 31, 2017


I am very excited to announce the date for this year’s first YEA event! I have booked Archery Tag on November 3rd at 7:00pm.

An email has been sent to all members with registration link and event details, 20 people max so if interested sign up asap.

If you have any questions let me know.

Thank you for your support!

Oct 3, 2017


Our first social event of the year will be Archery Tag near the end of October. I will be sending out an invitation to all members through the chapter website with more event information once the details are confirmed.

Thanks for your continued support!

Sept 5, 2017


I hope everyone is having a great summer so far.

This year I hope to continue building on YEA participation, starting with going from 4 to 5 events throughout the year.

I received very good feedback from the axe throwing and archery tag, these two events will be included again this year.

The first event will take place around the same time of the first monthly meeting, more details to come. Thanks for your continued support! 

Background from 20121019 Manual for Chapter Operations:

For chapters that are able, it is recommended YEA be considered a subcommittee of Membership Promotion. The president-elect, Membership Promotion Chair and Student Activities Chair would work together to nominate an eligible chair in conformance with the chapter’s bylaws and needs. The subcommittee should be composed of the chair and any needed volunteers. It is recommended the chair accept a term of at least two years to maintain continuity of the chapter YEA activities. A YEA member is classified as an ASHRAE member (Associate, Member or Affiliate) age 35 or younger. The committee should be responsible for performing the following functions as directed by the chapter:


Thank You To Our Valued Sponsors


This web site is maintained by the Ottawa Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at